Publicity of the List of the Second

2009-12-31 14:31:50 20

According to the Provisional Measures for the Recognition and Management of Credit Management Demonstration Enterprises in Wenzhou, 36 enterprises, such as Xingle Group Co., Ltd., will be declared voluntarily by enterprises and approved by the Office of the Leading Group of the Recognition Activities of County (City, District) and City Credit Management Demonstration Enterprises. The second "Demonstration Enterprise of Credit Management" in Wenzhou is now publicized and supervised by all walks of life and the broad masses of the people. The publicity period is January 1-6, 2010. If the listed enterprises are found to have illegal business or other dishonest behavior during the publication period, they can report it to the Credit Office of Wenzhou Industry and Commerce Bureau by calling or visiting. Contact telephone: 0577-88512627, 88966226, fax: 88522305, E-mail:, contact address Office 406, Wenzhou Industrial and Commercial Bureau, No. 15, No. 17 Middle Road, Wenzhou City.


Propaganda Department of Wenzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China

Wenzhou Administration for Industry and Commerce

Wenzhou Credit Enterprise Promotion Association

Wenzhou Association of Private Enterprises

December 29, 1999

List of the Second "Credit Demonstration Enterprises" in Wenzhou

Legal Representatives of Enterprise Names




Zhejiang Wanchao Electric Appliance Co.,Ltd.  JiaYong Guang

