Civilized Pacesetters --

2009-03-05 14:34:55 28

Editor's Note: Recently, two units and two villages in Ouhai District have won the honorary titles of "Provincial Civilization Unit" and "Provincial Civilization Village" in 2008. This newspaper hereby introduces their advanced practices for the readers.

District Power Supply Sub-bureau: the Top Guest of Economic Development

Established in 1995, the district power supply bureau is now responsible for 467 square kilometers of power supply in the whole region, closely related to people's lives and production, its importance is self-evident. In recent years, the district power supply sub-bureau has made great efforts to surpass and pursue excellence, achieved sound and rapid development of the power industry, provided a reliable power guarantee for the economic development of our region, and won the provincial civilized units in 2008.

Strengthen organizational integrity

The district power supply sub-bureau has set up a leading group for the establishment of civilized units, headed by the director, to form a division mechanism for the leaders to grasp it personally, for the leaders to grasp it concretely, and for the functional departments to implement it concretely, so as to consolidate the achievements of the establishment of civilized units at the municipal level. At the same time, we should actively carry out learning, hold regular reports on the situation and tasks of enterprises, give lectures on the prevention of job-related crimes and the education of honest government, and conduct honest and clean government on-the-spot education, so as to keep the broad masses of workers and cadres clear-headed and enhance their ability to resist corruption and change.

In recent years, the district power supply sub-bureau has been committed to broadening various service channels, rectifying the industry atmosphere, strengthening service awareness, and establishing service brand image. Each year, the sub-bureau appoints social conduct supervisors, and holds regular seminars of conduct supervisors. Through soliciting opinions and suggestions, conducting open and secret visits, the sub-bureau will report the problems detected within the scope of the sub-bureau, and urge relevant departments to self-check and self-rectify, so as to continuously improve the level of quality service and conduct construction.

Creating First-class Enterprises and Constructing Satisfactory Stations

On the basis of first-class power supply enterprises, district power supply sub-bureaus adhere to first-class routinization, daily first-class, strict implementation of rules and regulations, and strengthen the standardization of enterprise management.

We should carry out benchmarking and benchmarking activities, evaluate the work of various departments with indicators, promote competitive learning among departments, improve together, and create a working atmosphere of "striving to surpass and strive for first-class".

Continuously deepen the activity of "mass satisfaction grass-roots stations (service windows)". Power supply business centers cultivate and establish power supply service brands, improve the satisfaction of the masses as the foothold of the work, "enter" enterprises, "enter" communities, "enter" schools, "enter" rural areas, take the opportunity of creating activities, and constantly change. The concept of service is to solve practical problems and do practical things for the masses.

In 2007, Nanbaixiang Power Supply Business Station was awarded the honorary title of "Mass Satisfaction Grass-roots Station", "Mass Satisfaction Grass-roots Station", "Mass Satisfaction Grass-roots Station", "Advanced Unit" and "Advanced Collective" of Wenzhou Electric Power Bureau for three consecutive years.

Exhibiting Humanistic Style to Show a Bright Image

We will carry out activities to create "learning enterprises, knowledge workers" and "Ankang Cup" series, formulate a plan for "creating" activities and lay out a theoretical learning plan for workers. Under the leadership group, grass-roots units carry out "theoretical learning week" activities, and encourage employees to actively participate in the cause of electric power reform and support the reform. By carrying out various kinds of cultural activities beneficial to the staff's humanistic atmosphere, enriching the construction of enterprise culture, fully displaying the staff's demeanor of branch offices, and promoting the construction of two civilizations of enterprises.

Faced with the severe ice and snow disaster in early 2008, the sub-bureau started emergency rescue in time, took the whole sub-bureau's efforts to fight against the ice disaster, and spared no holidays during the Spring Festival, and made every effort to repair the power grid. Leading cadres at all levels take the lead, command ahead, organize scientifically, and the young commandos rush to the front line of emergency repairs with flags in hand. The vast number of workers are fighting against the snowstorm and the cold weather and fighting hard against disasters and emergencies. In 2008, the District Power Supply Bureau was awarded the third-class meritorious official group of Zhejiang Electric Power Grid "Operation Bright Against Ice Disaster" meritorious competition, and the director Hu Zhenzhen was awarded the advanced individual of the State Electric Power Grid disaster relief recovery and reconstruction, and Luo Qizhen, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, was awarded the advanced individual of Zhejiang People's Government "fighting against snow and ice disaster".

Qiaoxia Village, Quxi Town: Twenty Years of Civilization

Qiaoxia Village, located in the center of the Jiancheng District of Quxi Town, has a total area of 0.8 square kilometers and a total population of 419. Over the years, we have actively carried out the construction of civilized villages. Since 1987, we have been named "civilized villages" by the county Party committee and the county people's government. After 20 years, we have maintained the glorious title of "civilized villages" at the district level, ranging from one-star, two-star to three-star. Recently, the village has won the honorable title of "Zhejiang civilized village in 2008".

Concern with the masses and do more practical work

With the development and growth of collective economic strength and the increase of capital accumulation, the Party branch of Qiaoxia Village first thought of increasing investment in public welfare undertakings for the private sector. We will vigorously promote infrastructure construction and improve the human settlements environment. The village has invested 1.5 million yuan to improve its infrastructure, build 2100 square meters of cement road, build 3 public toilets, 1,500 meters of power line, install and repair 92 street lamps, build one public fitness venue, and build 280 square meters old people's activity center. Attaching great importance to environmental sanitation work, investing 450,000 yuan, vigorously carrying out environmental renovation with village management, River management, pollution control and poor treatment as the main contents, and carrying out greening construction on both sides of Ningyu Road Section. At the same time, we should actively carry out the management of the Tanghe River, remove the rubbish on the river surface and the riverside, set up six garbage houses and 30 mobile garbage bins in the whole village, and carry out the system of personal responsibility to regularly clean up the rubbish.

Zhejiang Wanchao Electric Appliance Co.,Ltd.: People-oriented Democratic Management

In order to build a civilized enterprise, Zhejiang Wanchao Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. begins with carrying out the principle of "people-oriented" and cultivating enterprise culture.

First of all, the company leaders realize that the management of enterprises mainly implements humanistic management. That is, the management of combining humanity with culture, developing humanistic spirit, cultivating, promoting and mobilizing people's outlook on life and values, establishing extensive emotional communication, establishing harmonious interpersonal relationships, meeting the needs of staff's survival, safety, knowledge seeking, aesthetic appreciation and self-realization, cohesing people's hearts and stimulating staff's consciousness. And initiative. Enterprises should not only have economic indicators, but also clear guidelines and requirements in the construction of civilized units.

Under the guidance of "people-oriented" thought, in order to form the enterprise culture with its own characteristics, the company takes a series of practical and effective measures to find out the ideological pulse of employees, grasp their psychological dynamics, remove their ideological and psychological barriers in time, and do a thorough and meticulous ideological and political work. Education guides employees to patriotize their country from patriotism to patriotism, and to devote themselves to their duties. It guides patriotism and belief in serving the country to build a successful enterprise, cultivates the enterprise spirit of "dedication to serving the country" and strives for perfection and innovation, builds up the emotional bond between enterprises and employees, and enhances cohesion.

Implementing the concept of humanism in our work, we should focus on people-centered, caring, respecting, understanding and trusting people, give full play to people's initiative, stimulate people's creative enthusiasm, and work hard to tap people's potential. The company takes measures to attach importance to existing talents, recruit talents, maximize the role of employees, and mobilize people's creativity in an all-round way. At the same time, the company sets up a stage of equal competition for employees, changes the values of employees, fully respects the spirit of independent innovation, ignores the Chinese diploma emphasizing the actual work ability, ignores the qualifications of people and the effect of work, and boldly uses young graduates of secondary and technical schools in important positions such as technology and production, and attaches great importance to them. Ren, stimulate the sense of responsibility, let them display their talents, play a creative spirit.

Party and League activity rooms, conference centers and staff activity rooms have become the best places for staff to study. They are equipped with dozens of learning publications. In the Party and League activity rooms, propaganda boards such as the Party's purpose, rights and obligations of Party members, the image of Party members and League members stand out on the wall. Through staff meetings and propaganda boards, all staff are organized to study and publicize the socialist theory with Chinese characteristics and the thought of the Three Representatives. Publicize major national events by posting slogans in time. Organize youth to participate in commemorative activities organized by the Party, hold symposiums, carry out activities of pairing and mutual assistance between youth and members of the Party and League, and organize youth to participate in knowledge contests of Party building.

The company carries out various forms of propaganda, education and cultural activities, enabling employees to establish a correct outlook on life and values, greatly improving their political awareness and enthusiasm for work. The staff team reflects a vibrant spiritual outlook and promotes the vitality of the work of the enterprise. Every New Year's Day trade unions organize workers'literary and artistic activities. Trade unions and League branches play a bridge role in enterprises. They organize New Year's Eve in 2008. The company organizes and participates in 100 x 100 m relay race activities, organizes and participates in the first sports meeting of Quxi Town, 41 employees participate in the long distance race around the city. Through the above activities, the members are enriched. The cultural life of workers.

Implementing the "people-oriented" corporate purpose, the company has taken effective measures in employee wages, incentives, welfare benefits, etc., to provide pension insurance for employees who have worked in the company for a certain number of years.